
Creating future-ready industry

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The future of industry

Connected technology, data and low-carbon solutions will underpin the fourth industrial revolution and the future of industry.

As we build towards a net-zero world, those organisations that embrace these concepts and successfully reorient their business around them will emerge as the industrial powerhouses of the future.

在木, our technical ingenuity and deep industry domain k现在ledge makes us an ideal partner in helping clients across a wide range of sectors to get future ready, 现在

Accelerating Digital
Accelerating Digital Transformation Icon


Optimising Asset
Optimising Asset Performance Icon


Natural 资源
的未来 Natural 资源 Icon


Get in touch
Suzanne Ferguson
Carbon Capture Technical Lead / Principal Consultant
Tony Tarrant
Manager, Midstream & 液化天然气
  • 未定义的 Mongstad-duct.jpg
    Case study
    Futureproofing fired heaters at the Mongstad Refinery
    Wood was engaged by Equinor to upgrade one of the refinery’s fired heaters, a critical component to provide heat to support the refining process
  • 未定义的
    Case study
    Chevron Anchor
    Anchor is the industry’s first deepwater ultra-high pressure development to achieve a final investment decision and one of the largest projects in the US energy industry.
  • 未定义的 P液化天然气WEBBANNER.jpg
    Case study
    液化天然气 on legs
    A world-first fixed-platform natural gas liquefaction facility with uncongested open-water access for 液化天然气 carriers, free of the coastal footprint that burdens shore-based facilities.
  • 未定义的 Hywind_banner.jpg
    Case study
    Hywind Tampen
    Contributing to further development of floating offshore wind technology and reducing the costs of future floating offshore wind farms
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